Translation services with 15 years of experience

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Czech Translation Services


Czech is mainly spoken in the Czech Republic, a country with a population of around 11 million. Since 2007, the Czech Republic has recorded strong growth. The main thriving sectors are production, the automotive industry, textiles and tourism. They are currently experiencing a real boom, especially in Prague, a city very popular with tourists. The Czech Republic’s economy is one of the most developed economies in Eastern and Central Europe. If you are tempted by this country, translating your brochures and commercial documents is essential. Don’t hesitate to use a language expert such as Cultures Connection.


Czech is a particularly difficult language to learn, and this is because its complexity is linked to a varied morphology and syntax. It is therefore always advisable to entrust your translation projects to trained and experienced native speakers. Our  translation agency only uses experts, specialized in a particular area: legal, business, medical, scientific, technical translation … We handle all types of projects thanks to our vast network of professional translators.


We handle many types of projects on a daily basis For Czech language translation below you will find a few examples:

  • Czech financial translation services
  • Czech business translations services
  • Czech scientific translation services
  • Czech medical translation services
  • Czech technical translation services
  • Czech legal translation services
  • Czech marketing translation services
  • Czech website translation services
  • Czech subtitling services
  • Czech video game translation services
  • Fast translation services in Czech

How to become a SWORN CZECH interpreter/translator

Only persons who have fulfilled the conditions stipulated by the Act no. 36/1967 Sb., on court experts and interpreters as amended, may become a court interpreter. The existing act does not distinguish between the interpreter or translator profession – the appointed interpreters exercise both professions. There is no legal right to be appointed.

The Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic set special conditions for appointing court interpreters under ref. no. 359/2011-OD-ZN/11 on 12.12. 2011.

Administrative authorities that are competent to appoint interpreters under Sec. 3 Par. 1 of Act no. 36/1967 Sb., on court experts and interpreters (“Act on Experts and Interpreters“), i.e. Minister of Justice and presidents of regional courts, consider the conditions for interpreters’ appointment under Sec. 4 Par. 1b) of Act on Experts and Interpreters as fulfilled only if the applicant achieves the prescribed education, finishes a special two-term programme at the law faculty and has at least 5 years’ experience.

If you would like to become a court interpreter, you also need to pass the Course for Person’s Interested in Becoming a Court Interpreter; it is a one day course organised and held twice per year by the Chamber of Court Appointed Interpreters and Translators of the Czech Republic (KST ČR).


We are certified, bonded, insured, experienced and reliable Traveling Notary Company Serving San Francisco Area since 2000. We now provide mobile notary services in 25 states and the list of services that we offer has grown to also include Mobile Fingerprinting, Apostille Processing, Loan Closings, Translation Services and Process Serving.